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Growing in Christ

Discipleship in Our Church

Discipleship is about connecting our lives to the example of Jesus Christ.  We grow closer to Jesus Christ by strengthening our understanding of what Jesus found important and where he put his priority to amplify the Kingdom of God. 


Check out our Events & Opportunities to find where you can start growing in your relationship with Jesus Christ and Serving others in Love. 



Community helps us grow in our walk with Jesus Christ when we:

  • Worship Together

  • Study & Build Relationships

  • Serve Others

  • Create a Place for Healing

  • Advocate for Justice

  • Build the Kingdom of God through Peaceful Action 

If you would like to search out where you are drawn towards God please take this Spiritual Gifts Inventory from


We are all drawn to Jesus Christ in different ways.  John Wesley, the founder of the Methodist Movement, believe we grow in our understanding of Jesus Christ through Worship, Devotional Bible Studies, Acts of Compassion, and Advocacy for Justice. 

Grow in Christ: Discipleship

©2019 by Prairie City United Methodist Church.

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